GARDENING TIPS FOR NOVEMBER by Karen Aitkins After a very pleasant September where summer seemed reluctant to leave us, we are now fully into autumn. As soon as we sweep up, the leaves are back again and the heady smell of rotting crab apples…
GARDENING TIPS FOR OCTOBER by Karen Aitkins Autumn is upon us and the nights are drawing in but our gardens will have one last glorious display before bedding down for the winter. Autumn colours are at their best at this time of year with…
GARDENING TIPS FOR SEPTEMBER by Karen Aitkins Do you remember, dancing in September, never was a cloudy day” sang Earth Wind & Fire in the late 70s. Nostalgia is a wonderful thing, we remember only what we want to. September though, typically used to…
GARDENING TIPS FOR AUGUST by Karen Aitkins August is traditionally the time for holidays, for getting away from it all and relaxation, hopefully. Plan ahead at this time or your hard work in keeping a well-kept watered garden with colourful bedding plants will all…
TIPS FOR THE GARDEN IN JUNE by Karen Aitkins. “Never cast a clout till May is out” is a saying that goes back to the 15 th century. Our definition of this old saying is not to put away our winter clothing until the…
TIPS FOR THE GARDEN IN MAY by Karen Aitkins. May is a lovely time of year. Spring is well under way and we can smell Summer in the air.  Our thoughts turn to our gardens possibly neglected during the winter, now coming into  bud…
TIPS FOR THE GARDEN IN APRIL by Karen Aitkins. Spring has well and truly sprung! The weather should start to feel a bit warmer,  although we will still experience sharp frosts in the morning. April is also well known for its heavy showers. The…
TIPS FOR THE GARDEN IN MARCH by Karen Aitkins March is officially the first month of spring, and we can breath a sigh of relief that we got through such a dull and wet winter. March was originally the beginning of the calender year…
Work at John Lewis Spent last week planting and paving for John Lewis’s in Magna Park Milton Keynes. Weather was cold wet and windy but we managed to get it completed on time. Planting consisted of easy maintenance ground covering shrubs and some pretty…